Staying Bright with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Dipping temperatures, shortening days, and barren trees… it’s official: Winter is here. In the

Dallas-Fort Worth area, winter brings about freezing temperatures and early sunsets. There’s no

doubt that this brings a change in routine for many, but for some, these darker months can lead

to a type of depression called Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as SAD.

Similar to depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is characterized by feelings of sadness,

low energy, changes in lifestyle, and overall changes in mood. However, SAD is specifically

marked by its presence during the winter months.

There are some ways you can combat SAD and improve your mood during the winter. It is

possible to keep your day bright during gloomy-weathered months.

1. Spend Time Outdoors

SAD is greatly impacted by the darker weather and shorter days. You may feel inclined to stay

inside to avoid the cold, but this can exacerbate your symptoms which can be worsened

by social isolation and decreased time outside. Spending some time outdoors, even if it’s just for

a quick walk around the block, can allow you to get some sunlight, which directly targets a

potential root of seasonal affective disorder. Some activities to consider are taking a walk during

your lunch break, going hiking on the weekends, joining a neighborhood walking or running

club, and more.

2. Try a Sunlight Lamp

Being outside for long periods of time throughout the day may be unsustainable for those with

jobs, school, family, or other responsibilities. However, getting some form of light is essential;

sunlight lamps are a good alternative for those who spend a lot of time indoors. These lamps

can help you regain an alternate source of light that you would usually get during the warmer


3. Manage Your Existing Mental Health Issues

Seasonal affective disorder is characterized by a variety of symptoms, many of which are also

found in people with depression. Symptoms of depression are managed through a combination

of lifestyle factors, therapy, and/or medication. Treating your seasonal depression symptoms is

the best way to improve your seasonal affective symptoms.

Affordable Therapy in Texas

Wellspring Counseling Center is dedicated to providing affordable, professional counseling and

mental health resources to those in need. Contact us to learn how we can help you manage

your symptoms of seasonal affective disorder this season.


Visit our website at and read more of our blogs at

Reach us at 972-423-4506 ext. 155 with any questions or to book a counseling session with one

of our licensed counselors.


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